Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 is taking place these days (Sept. 14–30, 2012) in Madrid, Spain.
It is an amazing opportunity to see the work that several universities all over the world are doing in the field of Energy Efficiency. This competition promotes research on the development of Efficient Smart Houses.
The objective is to design, research and build efficient smart houses, which may consume as less energy as possible. It is particularly important to obtain all the energy they need for everyday-use from the sun. You can read more about the competition here.
Below you can see some of the participating teams. You can find all the information at the official web site of SD Europe. I find quite interesting that there are several spanish universities involved and that they are having a great number of visitors. The more we know about energy efficiency, the more aware we will be.
- Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
- Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
- Team Andalucía: Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Granada, Universidad de Malaga, and Universidad de Jaén (Spain)
- Team Brasil: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina and Universidade de São Paulo
- Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera (Spain)
- Universidad del País Vasco—Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (Spain)
- Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
- Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (Spain).
I really encourage you all to go to "La Villa Solar" these last days and enjoy this incredible opportunity.
#SolarDecathlonEurope is finished! Check out the final scores. Andalucia - Spanish team second!! congrats!