Sep 4, 2012

Air Conditioning Equipment

Today we will focus on some basic advices on air conditioning equipment. When the summer arrives, are one of the largest energy consumption devices in Spain, so it´s important to know how they work with the aim to save as much energy as possible.

Although is one of the most installed devices in houses, very few homes have air conditioning centralized system, even though they are located in high temperatures areas.

This fact means that most of these facilities consist of independent elements, with lower energy efficiency and the obligation to place the devices in building's facades.
30% of savings can be achieved in air conditioning energy consumption if awnings were installed in windows with a high rate of radiation, thus preventing the entry of warm air at houses and the subsequent isolation of ceilings and walls.

Among air conditioners equipment, end users can find:

- Compact systems and split systems:
Being equal of power, the split system achieves better performance because the evaporator and condensing unit are bigger.

- Reversible and non-reversible systems
To achieve significant energy savings, the device has to operate in the vent mode, if the temperature outside the house is cooler than inside.

- Evaporative Systems
Particularly suitable for dry areas. The consumption of these devices is very low.

- Fans
With very low energy consumption, a simple fan may be enough to maintain an acceptable comfort: the movement of air produces a sensation of temperature drop of between 3 and 5 ° C.

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